2024-2025 NEFAS BOD
- Director: Mike Napper | director at large
- President: Terry Ellis | president
- Vice President: Zach Williams | vice president
- Treasurer: Richard Bagdonas | treasurer
- Secretary: David Hammond | secretary
- Education Director: Sam Fischer | education
- Membership Director: Cooper Westley | membership
- Publicity Director: Karen Demavivas | publicity
What is the NEFAS BOD?
The BOD or Board of Directors is a group of NEFAS members who have been elected to serve in an official capacity for the club. The BOD is the governing body of NEFAS, and makes business decisions for the Club. The board meets once every month to organize meetings and observing sessions, to develop ideas, approve expenditures, and handle all business aspects of NEFAS.
Meeting Information:
The board meets once a month – check our News & Events or Calendar sections for information on our next meeting.
Meetings are open to all current NEFAS members. We encourage members to take an active part in running the club, and this is a great way to do it. Attending a board meeting is also a great way to find out if you would like to serve as a club officer in the future.
What are the Club Officer Positions?
Currently, the following positions are elected every year:
- President – The president oversees general club business and directs operations for the club. The president creates the agenda for each B.O.D. meeting.
- Vice President – The vice president assumes the President’s duties in his/her absence, and also serves as the club’s archivist.
- Treasurer – The treasurer handles all financial aspects of the club, and manages the club’s banking and PayPal accounts.
- Secretary – The secretary handles all paperwork and filing for the club, and keeps minutes of the B.O.D. meetings.
- Membership Director – The membership director maintains an active roster for the club and handles all incoming applications. The membership director also serves as the ALCOR, the liaison between the club and the Astronomical League. The ALCOR must maintain an up-to-date membership list and regularly submit it to the AL to ensure members get all of their AL benefits.
- Education Director – The education director coordinates educational endeavors of the club, and is typically the liaison between NEFAS and local schools. The education director also develops new ways to get the club involved with local educational organizations.
- Observing Director – The observing coordinator is responsible for organizing all observing events, both regular club and event requests from outside organizations. The observing director also carries the official title of “Observatory Director” since at present NEFAS does not have a permanent observing facility.
- Publicity Director – This director is responsible for coordinating all observing event schedules with the news media. It is how announcements in the media are made to generate attendance and garner interest among the public.
How Do I Run For an Officer Position?
To run for an official club office, you should prepare yourself by attending BOD meetings regularly. At the end of the year (typically between October and December), the board will call for volunteers to run for office, and you may submit your name at that time. Often current board members will recommend NEFAS members that they feel may be well suited to serve as officers. Please seriously consider this if you are asked. Serving on the board is a great way to help the club.
Due to the size of the club, most positions run unopposed, however we always welcome a little competition to bring out the best ideas, and the best people.
The only position that has any prerequisites is that of President. In order to serve as club president, you must have been an active NEFAS member for at least two years.
In addition, Presidents can only serve two consecutive terms. All other positions have no term limits imposed upon them.
For complete details on club laws, regulations, officer positions, and other club business, please download a copy of our bylaws.
Sun & Moon