January General Meeting Friday 1/12/18

General Meeting of the Northeast Florida Astronomical Society

All are welcome!

Friday, January 12, 2018  –  7:30 PM to 9 PM

  • Florida State College at Jacksonville – Kent Campus
  • 3939 Roosevelt Blvd, Jacksonville, Florida 32205
  • Building F Room F-128 (Auditorium)

Campus map: http://fscj.s3.amazonaws.com/21516/kent.pdf

There will be snacks provided – funded by the 50-50 drawing.

Bring some cash to buy a chance!  $1 = 1 ticket   $5 = 6 tickets   🙂

Did you get a new telescope over the holidays?  Do you need help setting it up? Do you have questions about it?

Bring it for help from the Telescope Doctors at our January meeting!

See you there, and bring a friend!