General Meeting of the Northeast Florida Astronomical Society [NEFAS].  All are welcome!

Friday, November 8  –  7:31 PM to 9 PM

  • Florida State College at Jacksonville – Kent Campus
  • 3939 Roosevelt Blvd, Jacksonville, Florida 32205
  • Building E Room E-104

Campus map:

There will be water, coffee and some snacks provided

Our speakers will be NEFAS members Roger Curry and Al Nagy discussing their 2019 total eclipse trip to South America.

We will start the election process for next year by getting nominees from our members.

Last October meeting we had free telescope eyepiece items given away via a drawing amongst all attending members. The items given away were:

  • Ethos 2 inch 8 mm eyepiece
  • Televue 2 inch 16 mm Nagler eyepiece
  • Televue 2 inch Powermate 4x (super barlow)

Another give-away might happen again in November, so if you want a chance at any items, it would be in your best interest to attend!